Procedure usually performed by a witch, wizard or magician that is believed to change a certain situation or outcome. Spells are written or spoken words or intentions (thoughts) believed to have magical power. They are activated by the invocation of spirits, by chanting, by ritual or by the use of magical tools and ingredients. Spells can be positive, for example to improve a person’s health or to attract good things into their life, or they can be negative, for example to do harm or to force someone to do something against their will. Whether or not a spell is good or evil depends on the intentions of the spellcaster.

Belief in spells and their use dates back to antiquity. Spells have always been an important part of magical practice. Their methods vary from culture to culture, but all spells function on ritual activity. The spell itself usually consists of words, intentions or incantations (sometimes called charms or runes), which are recited or visualized while a prescribed set of actions (rituals) are performed.

There are various types of spells and their purposes are limitless including healing, love, success, money, fertility, longevity, protection against disaster, illness, misfortune and evil, exorcism of ghosts and spirits, victory in war and over an enemy, truth in divination, weather control, accomplishment of supernatural feats and so on. A person can cast a spell for himself, or direct it towards another person. A positive spell is called a blessing. A negative spell is usually known as a hex or curse. Archaic terms for spells include bewitchment and enchantment.

Spells are in some respects similar to prayer, in that they both are a means of petitioning something greater than ourselves for a particular desired outcome. They both require a statement of desire and/or ritualized movements or body positions, such as the bowing of the head, the folding or clasping of hands or the shutting of the eyes.

Spells are also closely related to certain methods that employ the power of the mind, such as visualizations, affirmations and positive thinking. Such methods help the person casting the spell to emphasize his or her mental images so he or she can better identify with these images and form a clear goal in their mind. The person repeats his or her intention to achieve a particular goal and then combines it with the projection of Magical Will and the invocation of the aid of the spirits, deities or inner strength.