Origin: Greece

Nemesis, the goddess of divine justice and retribution, spins the wheel of fortune as a warning and promise that what goes around, comes around. She is implacable and remorseless, but she is not cruel. Nemesis distributes just desserts. She is the spirit of righteous, justified anger, directing her powers against those who have violated cosmic order. Nemesis has broader jurisdiction than the Erinyes, who may be her sisters. While the Erinyes only avenge shed blood, Nemesis takes action wherever natural laws are flouted, broken, or disrespected.

Nemesis Stones are stones taken from an altar of Nemesis. Stones are engraved with an image of Nemesis, usually in the form of a young woman standing with one foot on a wheel. They were worn as amulets around the neck and set into rings. They exorcise and ward off evil spirits as well as preventing and banishing nightmares and healing the moonstruck.

Nemesis serves as a personal goddess offering protection and sponsorship to devotees. Those who invoke her protection are expected to behave honorably and to uphold natural moral code.

Greek apocalyptic prophecy suggests that when humanity finally achieves maximum wickedness, Nemesis and Aidos, Goddess of Shame will abandon Earth, and then the hard times will really start. Nemesis hasn’t left yet and is still administering justice: German painter Alfred Rethel (15 May 1816–1 December 1859) painted her as an avenging angel in hot pursuit in his 1837 painting, “Nemesis Pursuing a Murderer.” According to legend, a high-ranking man with secret, undiscovered crimes on his conscience won Rethel’s painting in a Frankfurt lottery. Contemplation of Nemesis’ portrait allegedly drove him mad.

Manifestation: Nemesis resembles modern images of angels. She is a winged, wreathed woman, usually dressed in white. She may also manifest as a griffin.

Iconography: Egyptian faience amulets from the Roman period (circa second century CE) depicting Nemesis in the guise of a griffin with her wheel of fate were used to ward off bad luck.

Attributes: Wheel of fate, cubit ruler, staff, branch laden with apples, hourglass, scales, bridle, scourge, sword

Spirit allies:

* Nemesis’ closest companion is Aidos, Goddess of Shame.

* Nemesis may be worshipped together with Themis, Goddess of Divine Order.

* Artemis is Nemesis’ good friend.

* Nemesis is often found in the company of Tyche, Goddess of Fortune, if only to ensure that people get what they deserve.

* Nemesis is the daughter of Nyx and sometimes identified as the secret mother of Helen of Troy. Images from her shrine at Rhamnous showed Leda presenting Helen to Nemesis.

Plant: Mullein

Creature: Griffins pull her chariot

Sacred site: Her primary sanctuary at Rhamnous, Greece, dates back to at least the sixth century BCE.

See also: Artemis; Erinyes; Helen of Troy; Nyx; Themis; Tyche